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Entrepreneurship Syllabus

Clark Middle School

Mr. Juarez

6th Grade Entrepreneurship


E-mail:          Phone: (956) 473-7500


Entrepreneurship-The purpose of this course is to provide a foundation and knowledge for students to gain an understanding of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial way of life.





Supplies: Please bring the following supplies as soon as possible.

  • 1’’ Binder of folder
  • 1 Posters
  • Pencils
  • Pens (Blue/Black)
  • Notebook
  • Headphones or earphones (optional)


Expectations: Students are expected to honor Husky PRIDE at all times, as well as abide by Mr. Juarez’s  Classroom Expectations.


Ms. Juarez’s Classroom Expectations/Procedures


  1. Sit quietly and work on bell ring activity.
  2. Do NOT get out of your seat without permission.
  3. Respect others' opinions and ideas.
  4. Stay positive.
  5. Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. Not the bell.
  6. Use computers appropriately.


Double Bracket: Ms. Juarez’s Classroom Expectations/Procedures

1.	Sit quietly and work on bellring activity.
2.	Do NOT get out of your seat without permission.
3.	Respect others opinions and ideas. 
4.	Stay positive. 
5.	Wait for the teacher to dismiss you. Not the bell. 
6.	Use computers appropriately.


Preparation: Follow the dress code. Bring materials to class. Be in your seat when the bell rings.

Respect: Respect teachers and peers. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Follow adult instructions/directions.

Initiative: Be ready to participate and stay on task. Be an active participant and learner. Do your own work.

Determination: Always give your best!

Etiquette: Value each other’s ideas and opinions. Listen without interrupting when others are speaking.




Double Bracket: Husky PRIDE
Preparation: Follow the dress code. Bring materials to class. Be in your seat when the bell rings. 
Respect: Respect teachers and peers. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Follow adult instructions/directions.
Initiative: Be ready to participate and stay on task. Be an active participant and learner. Do your own work.
Determination: Always give your best!
Etiquette: Value each other’s ideas and opinions. Listen without interrupting when others are speaking.















Grades: Grades will be based on a combination of writing, reading, listening, speaking, and vocabulary activities. Many assignments will be graded according to a rubric that we will go over in class when the assignment is given. There are opportunities to retake tests, redo projects, and correct assignments, but it is your responsibility to come to talk to me. 


Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I wish you a wonderful and successful school year.